Thursday, 3 May 2012

Dear Red Wine & Coriander

I realize that I have completely neglected you over the past couple of months. Please allow me this opportunity to explain myself.

I would love to tell you that I have not visited you because I was off traveling the world sampling some of the best food, wine and whisky the world has to offer. I have been traveling but it has all been work and no play. A lot has changed in the last 2 months though. I have decided to go back to my roots and get back into the food and beverage industry, something that I have dearly missed over the past 5 years and part of the inspiration to start Red Wine & Coriander.

So in short I will not be traveling so much anymore and will have more time to spend with you.

I hope you will accept apology and welcome me back.

As for H …… I have no idea what her excuse is but I am sure she will come up with a good one, she always does.

Kind Regards
