Boy started it. He got sniffles on Saturday, and on Sunday he was man-down. Our plans for the day got canned in favour of him lying on the couch and me playing nurse maid. I offered to make him chicken soup. I always offer to make him chicken soup, even though his answer is always along the lines of “Soup? Gross!” Boy couldn’t be bothered with soup unless it is a pre-cursor to a steak. And even then it’s a push. So I kept him medicated, encouraged him to take lots of naps, and made hamburgers instead. Sundays are good days to be sick.
Me, on the other hand? I waited until Wednesday. At month end. My busiest time of the month. During financial year end. My busiest time of year. Boy is clearly smarter than me when it comes to these things.
Also, Boy was out of town on business yesterday (more bad-getting-sick-timing on my part), and would you believe it, we were offered FREE, AWESOME Kings of Leon concert tickets, but had to decline because Boy was away. So not only was I feeling horrid, tired and super-stressed from work; not only was I left to fend for myself sympathy and cuddle free- but we missed out on what sounds like an unbelievable concert.
All in all, it’s just not my week.
That said, I just watched the latest How I Met Your Mother episode, so I have “My Favourite Things” from Sound of Music running through my head. This is inspiring me to think back on the things that have made me laugh or smile this week, instead of marinating in my Gloomy Gus-ness. Here goes…
- New How I Met Your Mother episodes always make me happy!
- At least I got to make some chicken soup. With Boy away yesterday and the Kings of Leon tickets going to some other lucky bugger, I got home from work and made a great big pot. Granted, it took me ages because I was working in slow motion and grumpy, but it got made.
- Boy is back home now, and he fed me some medicine, told me to have a nice hot bath and get into bed and do my nails. I like that he’s here to bring me stuff and be nice to me, but I like even more that he knows that doing my nails makes me happy.
- I get to listen to Boy and Sister Child playing xbox in the lounge together, killing zombies. It is strangely comforting.
- I get to sit down and write a blog post. This is really cathartic and fun, and I realise I’ve missed having the time to write this week.
- It was my dad’s name day yesterday (it’s a Greek thing) and because of lovely Skype, even though he is in Greece and I am here, I got to see him while we chatted, and we got to drink a scotch to celebrate “together”.
- It was also the name day of all my Greek friends named Dimitri. Which is most of them (haha) so in contacting them all to wish them, I got to catch up with some pretty awesome people I haven’t had the time to chat to in a while.
- Boy was pretty cute- here are two conversations that made me laugh this week:
Boy: How are you my muse?
H: (giggling like a Southern Belle whilst envisioning herself swathed in inspiration and wisdom) Your muse? Why am I your muse?
Boy: Because you’re a-musing.
Boy: (whilst sick on his spot on the couch, after I’d returned from my sick-person supplies retrieval mission) Lemonade is the perfect sick drink.
H: Why is that?
Boy: Because it has lemons in it. And also the word “aid”.
- If I’m feeling no better, I get to skip putting on makeup tomorrow morning. If today has taught me anything, it’s that it won’t do a bit of difference anyway. So why bother?
- Lastly, and this might be a little cheesy (perhaps the hayfever delirium is setting in) but my mom’s facebook status this morning really made me laugh:
"But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."