Boy gets home today! Ah, I’ve missed him. Here is a rough summary of the Boy-less week that was.
Home inspection went well! We got approved to adopt!
We are over the moon! The lovely lady who did the inspection is foster mom to 3 rescued, orphaned kitten brothers. Boy and I saw photos of them and just love them! We meet them tonight, and we already have a good idea about which two we think are “ours”.
Sister Child had her Valedictory.
Sister Child lives with us. She’s my sister, and at 18, I suppose she’s not really a child, but Boy and I call her the child. Two years ago, mom had to move, and with Sister Child only two years away from finishing high school, I figured it was the most natural decision to make to have her live with me while completing her schooling, instead of in some hostel somewhere. “How hard can it be?” I’d told Boy at the time...... Bless.
Anyway, yesterday, a chapter in all our lives began drawing to a close with Sister Child’s Valedictory Ceremony, and last ever official day of high school. More on that later...
I decided to document and post a recipe of my own!
I thought... Boy can’t be the only foodie in the family. Look how nicely I cook when he’s away! My awesome recipe will follow. I even took a photo and everything.
Boy and I celebrated 5 months of wedded-ness!
Yep, yesterday was our 5 month wedding anniversary! Unfortunately, Boy was away, but we celebrated by sending each other really cheesy, hand-me-a-barf-bag type messages (me) and some really touching emoticons (him).
Blackberry went down, and then started working again...
...And the entire world went mad. Look, granted, it was a HUGE inconvenience. Boy and I were both upset and put out. But seriously people- it’s not the apocalypse. It was emails and instant chat. Not electricity and running water. Give the Blackberry peeps a break. I still love my Blackberry! But more importantly- it’s just a phone and a couple of apps. We’re not talking world peace here.
I was super healthy! (ish)
I drank loads of water, ate mostly healthy, and avoided wine pretty well until Wednesday, when Sister Child wanted a glass to celebrate her impending end of school. So I had one (three) with her. It was the right and selfless thing to do.
I killed nothing in the garden!
When Boy is away, it is my job to water the garden. I only forgot once this week (don’t tell Boy). All the bonsais are still alive, and the grass is still green. We’ve had casualties in the past. I don’t like to talk about that.
I was super cool in Boy’s absence.
Not co-dependent and pathetic-like at all. If you don’t count me sleeping on Boy’s side of the bed every night. And switching to his deodorant. Ssshhhh.
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