Tuesday, 18 October 2011

I do food too! - by H

Last Thursday night was Boy’s last night of absence, and Sister Child was out celebrating her Valedictory, so I made one of my “everyone-is-away-so-why-bother-really-cooking” specials.

Two of my favourite such “dishes” are:
  • Grilled cheese made on our lovely griller machine that Boy says apparently also grills other things, but as far as I’m concerned has already paid for itself twice over in grilled cheese production, OR
  • Egg on toast
Egg on toast because Boy does not eat eggs. So weird. He never has. Not scrambled, not fried, not poached or boiled. Not since he was a baby. He just can’t handle them. So when he’s away, I maximize.

Anyway, one “everyone-is-away-so-why-bother-really-cooking” day, I was torn. Grilled cheese? Or egg on toast? Which to do? I really wanted both. And then- it came to me. Best of both worlds… Behold…
Egg on Grilled Cheese

Put grated cheese on bread. How much? Lots. Unless you’re on a bit of a health mission like I was last week. For the first time, I only used a small, respectable amount.
I would really NOT recommend using a small respectable amount.
Sprinkle the cheese with a little bit of origanum.
Put whatever else you like on grilled cheese on the bread. This time, I used turkey rashers from Spar. They are divine! Mom discovered them and was so excited by them, she bought Boy and I two packs to try. I’m hooked.

Fry up the turkey rashers, add to bread.
Heat a small amount of olive oil in a pan. When pan is hot, break egg into it.  Add loads of salt and pepper to egg.

Meanwhile, put prepared sandwich in griller machine. If you don’t have a griller machine:
1) Spray n’ Cook a pan, heat on stove, and when super hot, put sandwich on it and grill on both sides until required golden-browness of bread and meltiness of cheese is reached.

2) go and buy a griller machine. Seriously. They’re awesome.

I like my fried eggs pretty and sunny side up, but not too runny, so at the same time as heating the oil in the pan, I usually turn my oven on to grill. Once the egg is cooked on the bottom but still a little too runny looking on top, put the pan in the oven for a while, depending on how runny you like your yolk. (I forget how long I keep it in there, maybe a minute- maybe less- I just keep checking).
Put egg on top of grilled cheese. Salt more if required. Call Boy and tell him you can also make up fun creations in the kitchen. Ignore him when he laughs at you.  

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