Tuesday, 1 November 2011

2011 Whisky Live Festival - by Boy

There is excitement in the air in the Red Wine & Coriander household!

a)      We got our kittens, Mowgli and Logan, over the weekend
b)      It's Movember (yes, I do have my Mo for Movember)
c)       The FNB Whisky Live Festival kicks off tomorrow in Cape Town!
I am like a little kid on Christmas day! I have been looking forward to the show for ages! Some of my favorite whiskies will be at the show. Lugavulin, Ardbeg, Peat Monster, Spice Tree, and many more. For a full list of whisky’s that will be at the show, you can visit Whisky Live Festival 2011 .
H and I have been invited by the lovely people at Liquidity to the Compass Box Blending Zone. This is a first for the show, and as I understand we will do a tasting, followed by a DIY blending lesson. I really can’t wait for this one. If you are interested in partaking in the workshops, email Charlotte Spicer at charlotte@liq.co.za or find her on Twitter @Liquidity_SA to book your Seats. I have also been told that they will be launching a new whisky called Great King Street. I will try and get my hands on a bottle (or two) and post a review soon.

“This is more than a brand; it’s a mission. A mission to get people – all people - to take a fresh look at Blended Scotch; to join in the Rebirth of the Blend: in how Blends are made, how they are viewed, how they are consumed.”  – John Glaser, Whiskymaker

The Compass Box Whisky Company is a boutique Scotch whiskymaker, started in 2000 by John Glaser. The Compass Box signature range of whiskies includes Asyla, Oak Cross, The Peat Monster, The Spice Tree and Hedonism.
I am a big fan of Compass Box’s The Peat Monster and have even got my Dad hooked on the brand. I know he really enjoys their Spice Tree, so I am very excited to try Great King Street.

H and I will be there on Friday evening. 3 of my favourite things - H, Fridays and Whisky (not in any specific order).


1 comment:

  1. Aw! I am one of your favourite things!

    Wait... what do you mean "in no specific order"?....
