Boy and I have had a very busy month. November often is. I suppose it’s the last surge of craziness before the December period, with so much work needing to get finalised before people go on leave, and the whole of Cape Town (save the retail stores) goes into holiday mode.
On a personal level, I’ve had an interesting month. As often happens to me, it is in the maddest moments that I become my musiest and most introspective. Those who know me best but love me anyway call this my ostrich-type head in the sand moments- but they also know that while I look like I’ve “checked out” or hidden away, there is often way too much going on beneath the surface.
But this post is not about that. As much as written words help me put my often jumbled thoughts into perspective, tonight I’d like a break from those thoughts all together. Boy will wonder what on earth’s got into me ;)
Amidst all the blur of a manic month, some truly lovely things have happened. Most lovely of all is that Mowgli and Logan, our gorgeous kitten boys, have come home, and stolen our hearts. I suppose from the outside looking in, we are absolutely ridiculous with them. From the baby talk, to the way Boy and I refer to one another as “mommy” and “daddy” when speaking in their presence- I can safely say we’ve lost it. But it’s a great feeling.
Taking a little nap... |
Boys being boys! |
But the dish turned out magnificently. Boy was well impressed, so naturally, I have not been able to shut up about it since.
Congrats on the new additions to the family, they are cute! Your fillet rossini looks delicious, I would have screamed too :-)